Buddhism and Hinduism, Japa Mala, Buddhist Rosary, Juzu from Meteorite Bilitonite, Black Satam, Black Meteorite
History of Meteorite Bilitonite, Black Satam, Black Meteorite.
‘Billitonite’ is a western name for tektites from Belitung Island in Indonesia (pronounced Bill-it-ung). The island was formerly known as Billiton Island and was part of the Dutch East Indies. In fact this is where the mining giant BHP Billiton derives part of its name. In 1860, the company, then just Billiton, acquired a concession to the tin-rich Billiton (now Belitung) island. This tin mining still goes on today and this is why tektites are found on this island. The tektites are locally referred to as Satam Stone, or sometimes Batu Satam. The word Satam comes from the language of the descendents of Chinese people who came to Belitung for work in the tin mines. SA means sand and TAM means gall: so Satam means bile sand . People claim they are magical and mysterious. Magical/lucky stones are often associated with rarity.
Around 780,000 years ago a huge asteroid hit the earth in the South China Sea (likely in the Gulf of Tonkin). This asteroid is moving from northwest to southeast and hit the Earth with a small angle collisions.
In the early stages of the collision, the kinetic energy of an asteroid hitting the Earth is melting and deliver momentum to the upper layers of rock in the earth’s surface (such as sand and mud) in the collision.
the melt layer, composed of rock melts, leaving the earth’s atmosphere and broke up into semi-molten rock form of small dots (globules) are called “tektite”. These globules to form a ball, dumbbells, or tears, depending on the speed of rotation that occurs during the formation of tektites stone or stones that Satam.
Satam shaped stone balls, dumbbells and tears cools quickly, so fast that they form a glass (the same as glass, but not pure, as in the modern wine bottle or beer).
Approximately five to six minutes after the asteroid collision occurs, the ball is now frozen and become solid start re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere and crashed in the Pacific Islands.
Because of Stone’s Satam reentering Earth’s atmosphere at high speed, the friction force experienced heat up the front of this stone.
When the glass is heated with unequal (large temperature difference between the front and rear), it will break. Like pouring boiling water into a drinking glass.
The front of the stone Satam will form small pieces. This fraction is also enhanced by the intense pressure because of the slowing pace.
Speed cosmic momentum carried by the Stone Satam will eventually be reduced and rupture of rocks will also be reduced.
Because this Satam stone will fall to earth by gravity with a more vertical movement.
On Earth Stone Satam carried by river water and may be eroded.
In the end Stone Satam be incorporated with sediment deposits that usually also contain lead (eroded from geothermal deposits associated with granite intrusions).
In the high berporositas pile of sand, fresh water will very slowly carve the stone Satam. Paper-thin cracks (formed by the glass was heated at re-entering Earth’s atmosphere) will be enlarged and form a small U-shaped trench Note that this U-shaped trench is formed only in the heated section, the front of the Stone Satam (Tektite). The back of the stone is fixed Satam as the original, ball-shaped.
Material : Meteorite Bilitonite, Black Satam, Black Meteorite
Origin : Bangka - Indonesia
Beads Diameter : 8mm
Beads Count : 27 Beads
If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Material : Meteorite Bilitonite, Black Satam, Black Meteorite
Origin : Bangka - Indonesia
Gemstone and Rough
If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
More collection and detail about our Japa Mala, Agarwood, Sandalwood,
Wooden Beads, Gemstone Beads, Dzi Stone, Moldavite, Ruby, Opal, etc.
Please visit our other blog (group) :
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Swasti Gallery ( Sub Group : Buddhism, Hinduism, and Yoga Gallery), We Sell and Supply Agarwood Chip and Oil, Sandalwood Chip and Oil, Gemstone Beads, Dzi Stone, moldavite, Opal, Ruby, etc. If you are interested to buy can contact us, (BBM Pin : 5F5B5822) (Whatsapp, Line, Wechat, Viber, Phone : +6287878664877 or (087878664877)) (Email : ndra.alam@yahoo.com)
Monday, July 21, 2014
Meteorite Bilitonite, Black Satam, Black Meteorite, Meteorit, Meteorito, der Meteorit, Météorite, Meteorkő, Meteorite, 隕石, 운석, Meteoriet, Meteoritt, Meteorstein, Meteoryt, метеорит, อุกกาบาต, yeryüzüne düşmüş küçük göktaşı, thiên thạch, حَجَر نَيْزَكي , Buddhism and Hinduism, Japa Mala, Buddhist rosary, juzu, 数珠, nenju, 念珠, shu zhu 数珠, Fo zhu 佛珠, nian zhu 念珠, seik badi, Buddhist, budista, buddhistický, buddhistisch, buddhistisk, budausuline, buddhalainen, bouddhiste, budistički, buddhista, buddista, 仏教の, 불교의, budistų, budistiškas, budistu, sami Buddha, boeddhistisch, buddhistisk, buddyjski, буддистский, budističen, ที่เกี่ยวกับศาสนาพุทธ, Budist, 佛教的, буддійський, Đạo Phật, молитви, rosário, růženec, der Rosenkranz, rosenkrans, κομποσκοίνι, rosario, roosikrants, rukousnauha, chapelet, krunica, rózsafüzér, talnaband, corona, ロザリオ, 묵주, rožančius, rožinis, rožukronis, rozenkrans, rosenkrans, różaniec, rosário, mătănii, чётки, ruženec, radband, สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกายโรมันคาทอลิก, 天主教的念珠, chuỗi tràng hạt, мънисто, conta, korálek, die Perle, perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, helmi, zrno, biser, kap, üveggyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene, krelles, kraal, koralik, mărgea, perlă, бусина, koráľ, kroglica na ogrlici, pärla, ลูกปัด, boncuk tanesi, tesbih vb.tanesi, 小珠子, намистина, hạt
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Beads, korálek, die Perle, perle, cuenta, zrno, biser, kap, üveg gyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬 , خَرَزَه , karoliukas, kreļļu virtene; krelles, kraal, koralik, conta, conta, бусина, koráľ, kroglica na ogrlici, pärla, ลูกปัด, boncuk tanesi, tesbih vb.tanesi, 小珠子, намистина, hạt
Wooden Beads
Made order from various kind of woods (such as : Black Wood, Agarwood, Sandalwood, Setigi Wood, etc) for accessories, etc. Our Wooden beads made from genuine wood and natural color. Most in the market flood with fake and dyed color beads, that the beads can easily brake and contain chemical color.
Wooden Beads
Specification :
Material : Black Wood, Agarwood, Sandalwood, Setigi, etc.(Costumize)
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Round Beads, Disc Shape Beads, Tyre Shape Beads, etc.
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Black Wood Beads (Round Beads)
Specification :
Material : Black Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Round Beads
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Black Wood Beads (Disc Shape)
Specification :
Material : Black Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Disc Shape
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Tammarind Wood Beads (Disc Shape)
Specification :
Material : Tammarind Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Disc Shape
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Pemphis Wood Beads (Disc Shape)
Specification :
Material : Pemphis Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Disc Shape
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Agarwood Wood Beads (Round Beads)
Specification :
Material : Agarwood Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Round Beads
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Dm Wood Beads (Round Beads)
Specification :
Material : Dm Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Round Beads
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
More collection and detail about our Japa Mala, Agarwood, Sandalwood, Wooden Beads, Gemstone Beads, Dzi Stone, Moldavite, Ruby, Opal, etc. Please visit our other blog (group) :
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Made order from various kind of woods (such as : Black Wood, Agarwood, Sandalwood, Setigi Wood, etc) for accessories, etc. Our Wooden beads made from genuine wood and natural color. Most in the market flood with fake and dyed color beads, that the beads can easily brake and contain chemical color.
Wooden Beads
Specification :
Material : Black Wood, Agarwood, Sandalwood, Setigi, etc.(Costumize)
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Round Beads, Disc Shape Beads, Tyre Shape Beads, etc.
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Black Wood Beads (Round Beads)
Specification :
Material : Black Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Round Beads
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Black Wood Beads (Disc Shape)
Specification :
Material : Black Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Disc Shape
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Tammarind Wood Beads (Disc Shape)
Specification :
Material : Tammarind Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Disc Shape
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Pemphis Wood Beads (Disc Shape)
Specification :
Material : Pemphis Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Disc Shape
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Agarwood Wood Beads (Round Beads)
Specification :
Material : Agarwood Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Round Beads
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Dm Wood Beads (Round Beads)
Specification :
Material : Dm Wood
Beads Diameter : 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm (Costumize)
String Hole : 1.8mm - 2.5mm (Costumize)
Shape : Round Beads
Color : Natural
If you are interested to buy can contact me, can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
More collection and detail about our Japa Mala, Agarwood, Sandalwood, Wooden Beads, Gemstone Beads, Dzi Stone, Moldavite, Ruby, Opal, etc. Please visit our other blog (group) :
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Wooden Beads
Friday, January 24, 2014
Agarwood - Japa Mala , Mala , 沉香 , jinkō , 沈香 , kyara , 伽羅 , chénxiāng , 沉香 ,Buddhist rosary, juzu, 数珠, nenju, 念珠, shu zhu 数珠, Fo zhu 佛珠, nian zhu 念珠, seik badi, Buddhist, budista, buddhistický, buddhistisch, buddhistisk, budausuline, buddhalainen, bouddhiste, budistički, buddhista, buddista, 仏教の, 불교의, budistų, budistiškas, budistu, sami Buddha, boeddhistisch, buddhistisk, buddyjski, буддистский, budističen, ที่เกี่ยวกับศาสนาพุทธ, Budist, 佛教的, буддійський, Đạo Phật, молитви, rosário, růženec, der Rosenkranz, rosenkrans, κομποσκοίνι, rosario, roosikrants, rukousnauha, chapelet, krunica, rózsafüzér, talnaband, corona, ロザリオ, 묵주, rožančius, rožinis, rožukronis, rozenkrans, rosenkrans, różaniec, rosário, mătănii, чётки, ruženec, radband, สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกายโรมันคาทอลิก, 天主教的念珠, chuỗi tràng hạt, мънисто, conta, korálek, die Perle, perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, helmi, zrno, biser, kap, üveggyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene, krelles, kraal, koralik, mărgea, perlă, бусина, koráľ, kroglica na ogrlici, pärla, ลูกปัด, boncuk tanesi, tesbih vb.tanesi, 小珠子, намистина, hạt
Agarwood Japamala | Mala
Agarwood, also known as oud, oodh or agar, is a dark resinous heartwood that forms in Aquilaria and Gyrinops[1] trees (large evergreens native to southeast Asia) when they become infected with a type of mould. Prior to infection, the heartwood is relatively light and pale coloured; however, as the infection progresses, the tree produces a dark aromatic resin in response to the attack, which results in a very dense, dark, resin embedded heartwood. The resin embedded wood is commonly called gaharu, jinko, aloeswood, agarwood, or oud (not to be confused with 'Bakhoor') and is valued in many cultures for its distinctive fragrance, and thus is used for incense and perfumes.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Yoga Mala from Agarwood
Specification : 108 Beads (can be Customized)
Beads : Agarwood Beads (can be Customized)
Beads Diameter : 8 mm (can be Customized)
Origin : Indonesia
If you are interested contact us,
SMS (Text) International : +6287878664877
or (087878664877).
Email : ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Various Agarwood Japa Mala from any type of Agarwood.
Specification :
Beads : Agarwood
Type : # 1 (Higher Grade), #2 (Good Grade), # 3 (Medium Grade)
Beads Diameter : 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm,...26mm (can be Customized)
Origin : Indonesia
If you are interested contact us,
SMS (Text) International : +6287878664877
or (087878664877).
Email : ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Various Agarwood Bracelet from any type of Agarwood.
Specification :
Beads : Agarwood
Type : # 1 (Higher Grade), #2 (Good Grade), # 3 (Medium Grade), #4 (Lower Grade)
Beads Diameter : 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm,...26mm (can be Customized)
Origin : Indonesia
If you are interested contact us,
SMS (Text) International : +6287878664877
or (087878664877).
Email : ndra.alam@yahoo.com
More collection and detail about our Japa Mala, Agarwood, Sandalwood, Wooden Beads, Gemstone Beads, Dzi Stone, Moldavite, Ruby, Opal, etc. Please visit our other blog (group) :
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Agarwood, also known as oud, oodh or agar, is a dark resinous heartwood that forms in Aquilaria and Gyrinops[1] trees (large evergreens native to southeast Asia) when they become infected with a type of mould. Prior to infection, the heartwood is relatively light and pale coloured; however, as the infection progresses, the tree produces a dark aromatic resin in response to the attack, which results in a very dense, dark, resin embedded heartwood. The resin embedded wood is commonly called gaharu, jinko, aloeswood, agarwood, or oud (not to be confused with 'Bakhoor') and is valued in many cultures for its distinctive fragrance, and thus is used for incense and perfumes.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Yoga Mala from Agarwood
Specification : 108 Beads (can be Customized)
Beads : Agarwood Beads (can be Customized)
Beads Diameter : 8 mm (can be Customized)
Origin : Indonesia
If you are interested contact us,
SMS (Text) International : +6287878664877
or (087878664877).
Email : ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Various Agarwood Japa Mala from any type of Agarwood.
Specification :
Beads : Agarwood
Type : # 1 (Higher Grade), #2 (Good Grade), # 3 (Medium Grade)
Beads Diameter : 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm,...26mm (can be Customized)
Origin : Indonesia
If you are interested contact us,
SMS (Text) International : +6287878664877
or (087878664877).
Email : ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Various Agarwood Bracelet from any type of Agarwood.
Specification :
Beads : Agarwood
Type : # 1 (Higher Grade), #2 (Good Grade), # 3 (Medium Grade), #4 (Lower Grade)
Beads Diameter : 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm,...26mm (can be Customized)
Origin : Indonesia
If you are interested contact us,
SMS (Text) International : +6287878664877
or (087878664877).
Email : ndra.alam@yahoo.com
More collection and detail about our Japa Mala, Agarwood, Sandalwood, Wooden Beads, Gemstone Beads, Dzi Stone, Moldavite, Ruby, Opal, etc. Please visit our other blog (group) :
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Z - English
Agarwood Japamala, Mala, Buddhist rosary, juzu, 数珠, nenju, 念珠, shu zhu 数珠, Fo zhu 佛珠, nian zhu 念珠, seik badi, Buddhist, budista, buddhistický, buddhistisch, buddhistisk, budausuline, buddhalainen, bouddhiste, budistički, buddhista, buddista, 仏教の, 불교의, budistų, budistiškas, budistu, sami Buddha, boeddhistisch, buddhistisk, buddyjski, буддистский, budističen, ที่เกี่ยวกับศาสนาพุทธ, Budist, 佛教的, буддійський, Đạo Phật, молитви, rosário, růženec, der Rosenkranz, rosenkrans, κομποσκοίνι, rosario, roosikrants, rukousnauha, chapelet, krunica, rózsafüzér, talnaband, corona, ロザリオ, 묵주, rožančius, rožinis, rožukronis, rozenkrans, rosenkrans, różaniec, rosário, mătănii, чётки, ruženec, radband, สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกายโรมันคาทอลิก, 天主教的念珠, chuỗi tràng hạt, мънисто, conta, korálek, die Perle, perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, helmi, zrno, biser, kap, üveggyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene, krelles, kraal, koralik, mărgea, perlă, бусина, koráľ, kroglica na ogrlici, pärla, ลูกปัด, boncuk tanesi, tesbih vb.tanesi, 小珠子, намистина, hạt
Agarwood Japamala, Mala
UD, oodh veya agar, olarak da bilinen bu Aquilaria ve Gyrinops [1] ağaç
(büyük herdem yeşil Güneydoğu Asya'ya yerli) formları karanlık bir
reçine cebire otelde kalıp bir tür ile enfekte olur. Önce cebire nispeten hafif ve soluk renkli enfeksiyondur; Ancak,
enfeksiyon ilerledikçe, saldırı, çok yoğun, koyu, reçine hangi sonuçlar
cebire katıştırılmış yanıt olarak karanlık bir aromatik reçine ağaç
oluşturur. Reçine gömülü ahşap yaygın gaharu,
jinko, aloeswood, agarwood veya UD ('Bakhoor' ile karıştırılmamalıdır)
denir ve onun kendine özgü kokusu için pek çok kültürde değerli ve bu
nedenle tütsü ve Parfümler için kullanılır.
Budizm, Hinduizm, Yoga Mala Agarwood dan
Özellikleri: 108 boncuk (özelleştirilebilir)
Boncuk: (Özelleştirilebilir) Agarwood boncuk
Boncuk çapı: 8 mm (özelleştirilebilir)
Menşei: Endonezya

Eğer ilgileniyorsanız, bize ulaşın,
Uluslararası SMS (metin): +6287878664877
veya (087878664877).
E-posta: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Çeşitli Agarwood Japa Mala Agarwood herhangi bir tip.
Boncuk: Agarwood
Türü: # 1 (yüksek Grade), #2 (iyi bir not), 3 (orta sınıf)
Boncuk çapı: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm...26mm (özelleştirilebilir)
Menşei: Endonezya

Eğer ilgileniyorsanız, bize ulaşın,
Uluslararası SMS (metin): +6287878664877
veya (087878664877).
E-posta: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Herhangi bir tür Agarwood gelen çeşitli Agarwood bileziği.
Boncuk: Agarwood
Türü: 1 (yüksek Grade), #2 (iyi not), 3 (orta sınıf), #4 (alt sınıfı)
Boncuk çapı: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm...26mm (özelleştirilebilir)
Menşei: Endonezya

Eğer ilgileniyorsanız, bize ulaşın,
Uluslararası SMS (metin): +6287878664877
veya (087878664877).
E-posta: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
fazla toplama ve bizim Japa Mala, Agarwood, sandal ağacı, ahşap boncuk,
değerli taş boncuklar, DZI taş, Moldavite, Ruby, Opal, vb hakkında
detaylı bilgi. Diğer blog (grup) ziyaret edin:
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Z - Turkish
Agarwood Japamala, Mala, Buddhist rosary, juzu, 数珠, nenju, 念珠, shu zhu 数珠, Fo zhu 佛珠, nian zhu 念珠, seik badi, Buddhist, budista, buddhistický, buddhistisch, buddhistisk, budausuline, buddhalainen, bouddhiste, budistički, buddhista, buddista, 仏教の, 불교의, budistų, budistiškas, budistu, sami Buddha, boeddhistisch, buddhistisk, buddyjski, буддистский, budističen, ที่เกี่ยวกับศาสนาพุทธ, Budist, 佛教的, буддійський, Đạo Phật, молитви, rosário, růženec, der Rosenkranz, rosenkrans, κομποσκοίνι, rosario, roosikrants, rukousnauha, chapelet, krunica, rózsafüzér, talnaband, corona, ロザリオ, 묵주, rožančius, rožinis, rožukronis, rozenkrans, rosenkrans, różaniec, rosário, mătănii, чётки, ruženec, radband, สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกายโรมันคาทอลิก, 天主教的念珠, chuỗi tràng hạt, мънисто, conta, korálek, die Perle, perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, helmi, zrno, biser, kap, üveggyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene, krelles, kraal, koralik, mărgea, perlă, бусина, koráľ, kroglica na ogrlici, pärla, ลูกปัด, boncuk tanesi, tesbih vb.tanesi, 小珠子, намистина, hạt
Agarwood Japamala, Mala
även känd som oud, oodh eller agar, är en mörk resinous kärnved som
bildar i Aquilaria och Gyrinops [1] träd (stora evergreens southeast
Asien) när de blivit smittade med en typ av mögel. Före infektion är kärnveden relativt ljus och blek färgade; dock
som infektion fortskrider producerar trädet en mörk aromatisk harts i
svar på angrepp, vilket resulterar i en mycket tät, mörk, harts
inbäddade kärnved. Harts inbäddade trä kallas
brukar gaharu, jinko, aloeswood, agarwood eller oud (inte att förväxla
med 'Bakhoor') och värderas i många kulturer för sin distinkta doft, och
således används för rökelse och parfymer.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Yoga Mala från Agarwood
Specifikation: 108 pärlor (kan anpassas)
Pärlor: Agarwood pärlor (kan anpassas)
Pärlor Diameter: 8 mm (kan anpassas)
Ursprung: Indonesien

Om du är intresserad kontakta oss,
SMS (Text) International: +6287878664877
eller (087878664877).
E-post: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Olika Agarwood Japa Mala från någon typ av Agarwood.
Pärlor: Agarwood
Typ: # 1 (högre kvalitet), #2 (bra kvalitet), # 3 (Medium klass)
Pärlor Diameter: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm...26mm (kan anpassas)
Ursprung: Indonesien

Om du är intresserad kontakta oss,
SMS (Text) International: +6287878664877
eller (087878664877).
E-post: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Olika Agarwood armband från någon typ av Agarwood.
Pärlor: Agarwood
Typ: # 1 (högre kvalitet), #2 (bra kvalitet), # 3 (medelhög kvalitet), #4 (lägre kvalitet)
Pärlor Diameter: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm...26mm (kan anpassas)
Ursprung: Indonesien

Om du är intresserad kontakta oss,
SMS (Text) International: +6287878664877
eller (087878664877).
E-post: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
samling och Detaljer om våra Japa Mala, Agarwood, sandelträ, Träpärlor,
ädelsten pärlor, Dzi Stone, Moldavit, Ruby, Opal, etc. Besök vår andra blogg (grupp):
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Z - Swedish
Agarwood Japamala, Mala, Buddhist rosary, juzu, 数珠, nenju, 念珠, shu zhu 数珠, Fo zhu 佛珠, nian zhu 念珠, seik badi, Buddhist, budista, buddhistický, buddhistisch, buddhistisk, budausuline, buddhalainen, bouddhiste, budistički, buddhista, buddista, 仏教の, 불교의, budistų, budistiškas, budistu, sami Buddha, boeddhistisch, buddhistisk, buddyjski, буддистский, budističen, ที่เกี่ยวกับศาสนาพุทธ, Budist, 佛教的, буддійський, Đạo Phật, молитви, rosário, růženec, der Rosenkranz, rosenkrans, κομποσκοίνι, rosario, roosikrants, rukousnauha, chapelet, krunica, rózsafüzér, talnaband, corona, ロザリオ, 묵주, rožančius, rožinis, rožukronis, rozenkrans, rosenkrans, różaniec, rosário, mătănii, чётки, ruženec, radband, สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกายโรมันคาทอลิก, 天主教的念珠, chuỗi tràng hạt, мънисто, conta, korálek, die Perle, perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, helmi, zrno, biser, kap, üveggyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene, krelles, kraal, koralik, mărgea, perlă, бусина, koráľ, kroglica na ogrlici, pärla, ลูกปัด, boncuk tanesi, tesbih vb.tanesi, 小珠子, намистина, hạt
Agarwood Japamala, Mala
también conocido como el oud, oodh o agar, es un oscuro heartwood
resinosa que se forma en Aquilaria y Gyrinops [1] los árboles (grandes
hojas perennes nativas de Asia Sur-Oriental) cuando ellos se infectan
con un tipo de molde. Antes de la infección, el duramen es de color relativamente ligeras y pálido; Sin
embargo, conforme avanza la infección, el árbol produce una resina
aromática oscura en respuesta al ataque, que se traduce en una resina
muy densa, oscura, incrustado duramen. La madera
resina incrustada se denomina gaharu, jinko, aloeswood, agarwood o oud
(no debe confundirse con 'Bakhoor') es valorada en muchas culturas para
su fragancia distintiva y por lo tanto se utiliza para inciensos y
El budismo, el hinduismo, Yoga Mala de Agarwood
Especificación: 108 granos (puede ser modificado para requisitos particulares)
Granos: Granos de Agarwood (puede ser modificado para requisitos particulares)
Granos diámetro: 8 mm (puede ser modificado para requisitos particulares)
Origen: Indonesia

Si usted está interesado en contacto con nosotros,
Internacional SMS (texto): +6287878664877
o (087878664877).
Correo electrónico: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Varios Agarwood Japa Mala de cualquier tipo de Agarwood.
Granos: Agarwood
Tipo: # 1 (grado superior), #2 (buena calidad), # 3 (grado medio)
Granos diámetro: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm...26mm (puede ser modificado para requisitos particulares)
Origen: Indonesia

Si usted está interesado en contacto con nosotros,
Internacional SMS (texto): +6287878664877
o (087878664877).
Correo electrónico: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Pulsera de varios Agarwood de cualquier tipo de Agarwood.
Granos: Agarwood
Tipo: # 1 (grado superior), #2 (buena calidad), # 3 (grado medio), #4 (grado inferior)
Granos diámetro: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm...26mm (puede ser modificado para requisitos particulares)
Origen: Indonesia

Si usted está interesado en contacto con nosotros,
Internacional SMS (texto): +6287878664877
o (087878664877).
Correo electrónico: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
recogida y detalles sobre nuestra Japa Mala, Agarwood, sándalo, granos
de madera, piedras preciosas, Dzi Stone, Moldavita, rubí, ópalo, etc.. Por favor visite nuestro otro blog (grupo):
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Z - Spanish
Агаровых Japamala, малая, Buddhist rosary, juzu, 数珠, nenju, 念珠, shu zhu 数珠, Fo zhu 佛珠, nian zhu 念珠, seik badi, Buddhist, budista, buddhistický, buddhistisch, buddhistisk, budausuline, buddhalainen, bouddhiste, budistički, buddhista, buddista, 仏教の, 불교의, budistų, budistiškas, budistu, sami Buddha, boeddhistisch, buddhistisk, buddyjski, буддистский, budističen, ที่เกี่ยวกับศาสนาพุทธ, Budist, 佛教的, буддійський, Đạo Phật, молитви, rosário, růženec, der Rosenkranz, rosenkrans, κομποσκοίνι, rosario, roosikrants, rukousnauha, chapelet, krunica, rózsafüzér, talnaband, corona, ロザリオ, 묵주, rožančius, rožinis, rožukronis, rozenkrans, rosenkrans, różaniec, rosário, mătănii, чётки, ruženec, radband, สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกายโรมันคาทอลิก, 天主教的念珠, chuỗi tràng hạt, мънисто, conta, korálek, die Perle, perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, helmi, zrno, biser, kap, üveggyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene, krelles, kraal, koralik, mărgea, perlă, бусина, koráľ, kroglica na ogrlici, pärla, ลูกปัด, boncuk tanesi, tesbih vb.tanesi, 小珠子, намистина, hạt
Агаровых Japamala, малая
также известный как уд, oodh или агар, является темный смолистые
сердцевина, которая формирует в Aquilaria и Gyrinops [1] деревья
(крупные вечнозеленые растения родом из Юго-Восточной Азии) когда они
заражены типа плесени. До инфекции сердцевина имеет относительно легкий и бледные цвета; Однако
как инфекция прогрессирует, дерево производит темно Ароматические смолы
в ответ на атаку, что приводит к очень густой, темный, смолы встроенных
сердцевина. Встроенный смолы древесины обычно
называют gaharu, jinko, aloeswood, Агаровые или уд (для не путать с
«Bakhoor») и ценится во многих культурах для его особый аромат и таким
образом используется для благовоний и духов.
Буддизм, индуизм, йога мала из Агаровых
Спецификация: 108 бусин (можно настроить)
Бисер: Бисер Агаровых (можно настроить)
Диаметр бусины: 8 мм (можно настроить)
Происхождение: Индонезия

Если вы заинтересованы, свяжитесь с нами,
Международные SMS (текст): +6287878664877
или (087878664877).
Электронная почта: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Различные Агаровых джапа малу из любого типа Агаровых.
Бусы: Агаровых
Тип: # 1 (высшего сорта), #2 (хороший сорт), # 3 (средний класс)
Диаметр бусины: 8 мм, 10 мм, 12 мм, 14 мм, 16 мм...26 мм (можно настроить)
Происхождение: Индонезия

Если вы заинтересованы, свяжитесь с нами,
Международные SMS (текст): +6287878664877
или (087878664877).
Электронная почта: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Различные Агаровых браслет из любого типа Агаровых.
Бусы: Агаровых
Тип: # 1 (высшего сорта), #2 (хороший сорт), # 3 (средний класс), #4 (нижний уровень)
Диаметр бусины: 8 мм, 10 мм, 12 мм, 14 мм, 16 мм...26 мм (можно настроить)
Происхождение: Индонезия

Если вы заинтересованы, свяжитесь с нами,
Международные SMS (текст): +6287878664877
или (087878664877).
Электронная почта: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
коллекции и подробно о нашей джапа малу, Агаровых, сандалового дерева,
деревянные бусины, бусины из камня, Стоун дзи, Молдавит, Рубин, опал и
т.д. Пожалуйста, посетите наши другие блог (группа):
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Z - Russian
Japamala de Agarwood, Mala, Buddhist rosary, juzu, 数珠, nenju, 念珠, shu zhu 数珠, Fo zhu 佛珠, nian zhu 念珠, seik badi, Buddhist, budista, buddhistický, buddhistisch, buddhistisk, budausuline, buddhalainen, bouddhiste, budistički, buddhista, buddista, 仏教の, 불교의, budistų, budistiškas, budistu, sami Buddha, boeddhistisch, buddhistisk, buddyjski, буддистский, budističen, ที่เกี่ยวกับศาสนาพุทธ, Budist, 佛教的, буддійський, Đạo Phật, молитви, rosário, růženec, der Rosenkranz, rosenkrans, κομποσκοίνι, rosario, roosikrants, rukousnauha, chapelet, krunica, rózsafüzér, talnaband, corona, ロザリオ, 묵주, rožančius, rožinis, rožukronis, rozenkrans, rosenkrans, różaniec, rosário, mătănii, чётки, ruženec, radband, สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกายโรมันคาทอลิก, 天主教的念珠, chuỗi tràng hạt, мънисто, conta, korálek, die Perle, perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, helmi, zrno, biser, kap, üveggyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene, krelles, kraal, koralik, mărgea, perlă, бусина, koráľ, kroglica na ogrlici, pärla, ลูกปัด, boncuk tanesi, tesbih vb.tanesi, 小珠子, намистина, hạt
Japamala de Agarwood, Mala
também conhecido como oud, oodh ou ágar-ágar, é um cerne resinoso
escuro que se forma no Aquilaria e Gyrinops árvores [1] (grandes
evergreens, nativas do sudeste da Ásia) quando eles se tornam infectados
com um tipo de molde. Antes da infecção, o cerne é de cor relativamente leves e pálido; no
entanto, no decorrer da infecção, a árvore produz uma resina aromática
escura em resposta ao ataque, que resulta em uma resina muito densa,
escura, incorporado do cerne. A madeira de resina
incorporada é comumente chamada gaharu, jinko, aloeswood, agarwood ou
oud (não deve ser confundido com 'Bakhoor') é valorizada em muitas
culturas para sua fragrância distinta e, portanto, é usada para o
incenso e perfumes.
Budismo, hinduísmo, Yoga Mala de Agarwood
Especificação: 108 grânulos (pode ser personalizado)
Grânulos: Grânulos de Agarwood (pode ser personalizado)
Grânulos diâmetro: 8 mm (pode ser personalizado)
Origem: Indonésia

Se você estiver interessado entre em contato conosco,
Internacional SMS (texto): +6287878664877
ou (087878664877).
E-mail: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Vários Agarwood Japa Mala de qualquer tipo de Agarwood.
Grânulos: Agarwood
Tipo: # 1 (grau superior), #2 (boa nota), # 3 (grau médio)
Grânulos diâmetro: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm,...26mm (pode ser personalizado)
Origem: Indonésia

Se você estiver interessado entre em contato conosco,
Internacional SMS (texto): +6287878664877
ou (087878664877).
E-mail: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
Vários Agarwood pulseira de qualquer tipo de Agarwood.
Grânulos: Agarwood
Tipo: # 1 (grau superior), #2 (boa nota), # 3 (grau médio), #4 (qualidade inferior)
Grânulos diâmetro: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm,...26mm (pode ser personalizado)
Origem: Indonésia

Se você estiver interessado entre em contato conosco,
Internacional SMS (texto): +6287878664877
ou (087878664877).
E-mail: ndra.alam@yahoo.com
coleção e detalhes sobre nossa Japa Mala, Agarwood, sândalo, contas de
madeira, grânulos de Gemstone, Dzi Stone, Moldavite, rubi, opala, etc. Por favor, visite nosso outro blog (grupo):
佛教, Đạo Phật, буддизм, 佛教, Budizm, ศาสนาพุทธ, buddism, budizam, budizem, budhizmus,
буддизм, budism, Budismo, بودایی مذهب , مذهب بودا , buddyzm, buddhisme, boeddhisme,
budisms, budizmas, 불교, 仏教, buddismo, buddhizmus, budizam, bouddhisme,
buddhalaisuus, budism, Budismo, βουδισμός, buddhisme, der Buddhismus. buddhismus,
Budismo, Будизъм,
瑜伽, bài tập yoga, йога, 瑜伽, yoga, การฝึกโยคะ, joga, ioga, یوگا , 요가, ヨガの行,
jóga, yog a, jooga, γιόγκα, йога
深思,冥想, sự trầm tư; sự thiền, медитація, 深思,靜坐冥想, การทำสมาธิ,
meditation, funderande, grubbel, meditacija, premišljevanje, meditácia, размышление,
meditaţie, meditação, medytacja, meditasjon, meditering,
meditācija; apcere, apmąstymas, meditacija, 명상, 黙想, meditazione, íhugun, hugleiðing,
meditáció; elmélkedés, razmišljanje, meditacija, méditation, mietiskely, mõtisklus,
meditación, διαλογισμός, περισυλλογή, grublen; mediteren, tiefes Nachdenken,
meditace, meditação, медитация
Z - Portuguese
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